Create WordPress Posts Tables with Tablesome Table Plugin

Want to create WordPress Post tables and list WordPress posts inside tables? Want to organize WordPress posts, pages, and CPTs on sortable and filterable tables? Do you want to highlight selected WooCommerce products in a table along with Add to Cart, Price, Ratings, and other fields?

When you have hundreds and thousands of posts, pages, products, or any other custom post types, it could be hard for site visitors to find what they’re looking for you. You can make it easier for your site’s audience to find the content they need by displaying content in WordPress posts tables.

How to Create a WordPress Post Table Tutorial:

WordPress Post Table Plugin – Tablesome

Tablesome is a WordPress post table plugin that helps you showcase WordPress posts, pages, and custom post types (CPTs) into sortable and filterable tables. Using the filters, search, and sort options in the WordPress post table your visitors can easily find the content they require.

You can easily start a Tablesome trial and try creating the post tables quickly.

WordPress Post Table Features:

List any WordPress Content and Post Type

Tablesome helps you to query posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and custom fields, you can automatically insert and display them in elegant tables..

Create Document Libraries and Directories in WordPress

With Tablesome, you can quickly construct member directories, document libraries, audio libraries, upcoming events lists, and other WordPress features by adding any kind of content, including books, music, videos, events, and more.

WordPress Media Embeds

Create multimedia tables by incorporating media such as photographs, audio files, video players (video galleries), and media playlists in the WordPress post tables.

Custom fields and Custom taxonomies 

Not only can you add the default WordPress fields and taxonomies, but you could also add the custom fields and custom taxonomies in the WordPress posts table and display them on the WordPress frontend. It supports custom fields created using Advanced Custom Fields, Meta Box, and other WordPress plugins.

Quick Loading and Responsive Tables

Even if you have large numbers (thousands) of posts or custom post types, you can easily display them on tables with quick AJAX  loading. Your WordPress post tables will be fully responsive, with several responsive table options for various devices and screen sizes.

Let’s see how to create WordPress Post Tables with Tablesome.

WordPress Filter Posts by Date Range

When you list the WordPress posts in the tables you can filters the post by dates (that is the published post dates). Since Tablesome lets you apply multiple filters to filter the WordPress posts, you can apply 2 data filters to work as a Date Range filter. With this type of data range filters for posts you can use custom date range input.

WorddPress Post Table – Demo

Below you can see a demo of WordPress display posts in table and have a posts table with search & sort.

How to Create Post Tables in WordPress

You have to first install and activate Tablesome plugin on on your WordPress site before you move on to the steps below. If you haven’t yet installed Tablesome do start a Tablesome trial and installed in on your site.

  • Login to your WordPress site and go to Tablesome → Create New Table
  • Give this post table a suitable name and go to Workflows section
  • Under Trigger-1 section, select the “Tablesome – On Table Load trigger”
  • Then in the Action-1 section select the “Replace Table Content with WP Query”
  • You could select the post type to display in the Query Filters,  “Where” section
  • Below you could add filters to filter only the posts you want to add to the table. It can be filtered on various post properties such as Post Title, Post Author, etc,.
  • Then in the Map Post Fields section, you have to map the Table columns to the respective Post fields.
  • If you want to add some custom fields you can do so by selecting the “Post Meta” in the post field and paste the “Meta Key” of the custom field.
  • After adding the necessary post fields you can save the table.
  • Copy and Paste this table’s shortcode on the page where you want to add the Post Table.

Use Tablesome to Create WooCommerce Product Table

With Tablesome you could even create WooCommerce product tables from your store. Within the product tables you could include Add to Cart buttons, price, quantity, stock level, reviews, categories, tags, weight, dimensions, and more.

Customers would be able to easily add the products to cart directly from the product tables.

Upcoming Post Table Features

  • Use a Lightbox to display featured images and select the picture size to display
  • Restrict access to post table content based on category and taxonomy using User Roles and Usernames

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