Filtered Table Rows in WordPress Tables Before Displaying on Posts and Pages

Do you have large datatables on your WordPress site and want to display only filtered data on frontend tables rather than the entire table data? Do you want to pre-filter table based on current_loggedin_user data? Do you want to create Dynamic Tables with different data that changes depending on various parameters such as who is viewing the table, which page the table is added to, and so on?

Also See: WordPress Filter Posts by Date Range

Filtering Data from a Large Table

When you have a large database table containing all of the data related to a topic, such as a single source of truth, you must extract specific data from the table by filtering the table.

You should also save this filtered table so that you can view the filtered data without having to add filters from scratch.
You can keep all of the data in a single “big” table and then extract “small” tables by filtering specific content from the big table.
In MS Excel, for example, you would create a “pivot table with filtered data.”

To show different aspects of the data from a single table, you could create multiple small tables by filtering various different parameters.

In WordPress, you’d want to keep the big table with all the data in the backend and only show filtered data tables on posts and pages in the frontend.

For example, suppose you have a large table with a list of all the events planned for the year, and you want to create small tables displaying events by month or week. You could use the dates to filter the table data and create a smaller table with the filtered data.

Creating Dynamic Tables using Filters

You should also filter table data according to conditions such as,

  • Who is viewing the table
  • What page is the table added to
  • What date the table is being viewed

so that the user can see data that is unique to them or the page.

How to Create Filtered Tables on WordPress

To create WordPress tables that can display filtered data on frontend pages, you’ll need a WordPress filter table plugin. Tablesome is a WordPress table plugin with advanced filters that allows you to create tables with filters applied to them.

Tablesome allows you to filter data within specific table columns.

You can start a free trial and try table filtering in Tablesome.

To ensure that the database contains rows of data that apply to a lot of people, you might filter table fields based on the logged-in user id.
Additionally, you might apply multiple filters to the same column.
When there are numerous filters, such as date range filters and number range filters, you can filter values that fall in between ranges.

Filtering Before Table Display and Frontend Editing – Video Tutorial

Steps to Create Pre-Filtered Tables with Tablesome

  • First, create a datatable by manually entering data on the table or importing from CSV or XLSX data and save the table
  • Next go to the Workflows Tab, and add the Tablesome “On Table Load” trigger under Trigger-1 section.
  • Then in the Action select the Tablesome “Filter Table” action and then add select the table column and add the filter value.
  • You filter based on various text and numerical operators and also add multiple filters in succession.


  • After applying the filters save the table
  • Copy this table shortcode and add the shortcode to the page where you want to add this table

    Note: Use Current Logged-in User option to filter data created by current user

How do the table filters compare to TablePress Filter?

If you have experience with TablePress plugin, these pre-filtered tables work like Row Filtering add-on or Row Filtering from URL parameter add-on in TablePress. You can show only table rows that contain defined keywords.

Do these table filters work like filters in the wpDataTables?

Tablesome is a WordPress filter table plugin that comes with powerful datatable filters.

The Query filters that comes with Display Filtered Content action works similar to the pre-filtering the tables through URL option in the wpDataTables, where by setting some variables in the URL request you can define which rows will be visible to the end user.

Some of the other nuanced filter options in wpDataTables are in Tablesome backlog and will be added in the upcoming versions. For example,

Hide Table before filtering – to keep the table hidden until a selection is made in the filter.

Search Button – make the table apply the filters only when the Search button is clicked.

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